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 Hi! My name is Mirsad Beluli. I am from Tetova, Macedonia. I live an study there in the SEE-UNIVERSITY at Tetova Foundation. My major is Business Administration.

I'm born in a village near Tetova in 1980.

I like football. My favourite football club is Real Madrid and my sport idol is Zidane.

I like to listen good music no meter which gender belongs, but most of all I like to relax listening ballads.

For the summer vacation, off course after my semester in university ends, I go in Croatia in the Cres-Losinj Island near Rijeka. I enjoy the good sea and at the same time I work. 

I like very much computers. Also I like sport and movies.
My favourite sport is football and after that swimming.
I forget to tell you that I am an Albanian and I live and study in Macedonia in Albanian language.
Macedonia is my home country and Albanian language is my mother language.
Beside this I work in Croatia where I also spend a lot of my life especially the summer.